Our history

We met at the University U.C.M, being part of the first promotion of Dentistry. At the end of our studies, each one of us undertook postgraduate studies in different universities of important international prestige, consolidating our training with renowned professional doctors. Four years ago we decided to combine our experience and knowledge to design a clinic where we could offer patients the best for their dental health.

Today we are proud of the road we have travelled, for many reasons, among them the fact that we equipped ourselves with the human and technological means that allow us to carry out treatments of the latest technology and above all the relationship created with our patients.

To gain every day the confidence that they place in us is much more than an objective, it is the axis on which our project was built. Because there are no two persons alike, there are not two treatments alike. The attention is personalized at all times, budget to measure after a detailed study of your needs and without commitment on your part. Once the study is finished, the patient will be attended by the corresponding specialist on each occasion.

Our team of specialists

dentista Gonzalo Navarro en Madrid

Dr. Gonzalo Navarro Boto

Specialist in Implants and Dental Prosthesis
Dentista Andreea Cosic en Madrid

Dra. Andreea Cosic

Specialist in Periodontics and Implantoprosthesis
Dentista Javier en Madrid

Dr. Javier González López

Specialist in Endodontics and Radiodiagnosis
Dentista Jorge Valdés en Madrid

Dr. Jorge Valdés Navarro

pecialist in Aesthetics and dental implants
Doctor Mauricio Nosa Clínica Dental Navarro Madrid

Dr. Mauricio Contreras

Specialist in fixed and removable orthodontics
cirujano dental regeneracion osea en Madrid

Dr. Juan Sánchez Santos

Specialist in Surgery and Bone Regeneration
ortodoncia en Madrid - ortodoncista Juan

Dr. Juan Riballo

Specialist in fixed and removable orthodontics

Nowadays, it is not easy to find professionals really involved with their work, but what is really very difficult, is that these professionals are also personally involved with the treatment of their patients.

In our clinic there is a maxim that is the nexus of our team:


And from the first moment the patient enters our clinic, we do everything possible to make this happen, and to make him feel at home, offering a friendly and close treatment, while we advise them on their oral health clearly and giving all the explanations that are necessary for each patient. There are three ADVANTAGES we would like to offer you to facilitate your visit to our clinic.

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